Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jason "Flashpoint" Smith Stamps Name on Hoosier Cross

October 25, 2007

Jason “Flashpoint” Smith removed all doubt as to his cyclocross prowess, crushing the competition on his way to a glorious victory Wednesday evening. Smith rolled out fast setting a brutal pace that last week's champion, Ernesto Calderin, could not keep. Smith was seen chatting it up with course designer, Andy Paskins, as he lapped the master racer just after the barriers on the 6th lap.

Jason "Ain't Racin'" Fowler could not keep up with the leaders despite his much improved footwork over the barriers. Fowler cried foul after the race, claiming that fellow podium finishers Smith and Calderin cut the sandbox portion of the course.

MVG took the most improved rider award, rolling to fourth place, just off the podium.

Crouse further established himself as the dominant force in the single speed division with a 200 point lead over his closest competitor.

Matt Wilson chose some of the more interesting lines of the evening, reversing the course on a couple of occasions to find the faster line.

Wednesday's race was highlighted by the new barrier section strategically placed before the run-up. The course marshals and neutral support vehicles (quads) made themselves known while running amuck through the course and laying waste to the helmetless Mike Lance’s podium chances.

Final Results
Smith* 1
Calderin* 2
Fowler 3
Lance 5
Crouse 6
Paskins** 7
Wilson 8
Mtn. Biker 9

*Cut course due to chronic sand allergy
**Pulled from course in early laps to recover key assets (flags)
Come next Wednesday for a non-point event, as many crossers are off celebrating Halloween.

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